Migraine Headaches

Headaches often begin in your spine. Poor posture, injury, or poor joint movement in your neck can force your spinal vertebrae into abnormal movement patterns. This creates irritation of the nerves and blood vessels. When nerves send pain signals to surrounding neck muscles, those muscles tighten up and a headache may begin. Stress, caffeine, smoking, allergies, alcohol, some diseases and nutritional deficiencies are included in the list of potential headache triggers.

Migraine headaches affect approximately 15% of the population. Unfortunately, many people have accepted these "headaches" as a problem they have to live with-as few people have found the "cure". This, however may not be necessary.

Chiropractic manipulation has long proven to be one of the most effective treatments for migraine sufferers. Studies have found Chiropractic treatment to provide more relief and more of a permanent cure for migraines than any other treatment tested. It does not have to be a problem that "you have to live with"

Any questions on Migraines and/or chiropractic care please call or visit my office at 919-467-3362.
Yours in health,
Christopher R. Outten, D.C.