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*Spinal Decompression, that is, unloading due to non-surgical distraction and positioning.

Is SpineMED™ Therapy For Me?

Spinal Disc Decompression with the SpineMED® Table has shown to be safe and without side effects or complications once abnormal conditions have been ruled out. Patients with conditions that compromise the integrity of the spinal column, such as gross osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis grade 2 and above, fractures, tumors, or congenital pars defects are not candidates for Spinal Disc Decompression.

Previous spinal surgery is not contraindicated unless hardware (screws, rods, cages, pins, etc.) has been implanted in the spine. Minimum age for SpineMED® procedures is 16 years. Maximum age to be determined by your healthcare practitioner, based on your health and physical condition.